
join attributes data or Excel data to a shapefile using QGIS

To join attributes data or Excel data to a shapefile using QGIS To join attributes data or Excel data to a shapefile using QGIS, you can follow these steps: Load both the shapefile and the Excel data into QGIS. Ensure that both datasets have a common field that can be used to join them. For example, if you have a shapefile of cities and an Excel file of population data, both datasets should have a common field such as city name. Right-click on the shapefile in the Layers panel and select Properties. In the Layer Properties dialog, go to the Joins tab. Click the + button to add a new join. Choose the layer that contains the attribute data you want to join (in this case, the Excel file). Choose the field in the shapefile that corresponds to the common field in the attribute data. Choose the field in the attribute data that corresponds to the common field in the shapefile. Choose the join type. A one-to-one join will add the attributes of the Excel file to the corresponding features in th

choropleth map in QGIS

  choropleth map in QGIS A choropleth map is a type of thematic map that displays data for areas such as countries, states, or counties. The map uses colors or shading to represent the data and shows the variation of a particular theme over different geographic regions. For example, a choropleth map could show the population density of different states in the United States, where states with higher population densities are represented with darker colors. The map can be used to quickly identify patterns and trends in the data, as well as to compare different regions. Choropleth maps can be created using GIS software such as QGIS, ArcGIS, or Mapbox. The process involves selecting a variable to map, such as population, income, or crime rates, and then choosing a color scheme to represent the data. The color scheme should be carefully chosen to accurately convey the data, and the map should be properly labeled to provide context for the viewer. To create a choropleth map in QGIS, you can f

georeference an AutoCAD file with the help of a Google Satellite map in QGIS

  To georeference an AutoCAD file with the help of a Google Satellite map in QGIS you can follow the steps below: Open QGIS and load the AutoCAD file you want to georeference. Load the Google Satellite map by going to the "XYZ Tiles" section under the "Browser" panel on the left-hand side of the QGIS interface. Right-click and select "New Connection" and enter the following details: Name: Google Satellite URL: https://mt1.google.com/vt/lyrs=s&x= {x}&y={y}&z={z} Once the Google Satellite map is loaded, make sure it is visible in the main window by clicking on the "Google Satellite" layer in the "Layers" panel. Click on the "Georeferencer" tool in the "Raster" menu and the "Georeferencer" window will open. In the "Georeferencer" window, go to "File" and select "Load raster." Browse to the location of the AutoCAD file and select it. Select the "Transformati

Data Download

  Welcome to RS and GIS Solution   Download India State shapefile 2021 : Click here Download West Bengal district shapefile 2021 : Click here Toposheet- University of Texas Library Satellite Image - Bhuvan Portal Satellite Image - EarthExplorer Portal SRTM Data Collection - Opendem Vector Data Collection from Diva GIS Toposheet .kml file download ( using google earth pro ): click here Toposheet  Survey of India  : click here merge multiple file geodatabase into one file geodatabase (tool in ArcGIS ): click here WB District Headquarter centroids data : click here Download West Bengal Village shapefile: click here Mapsofindia official link : click here Convert DD to DMS in QGIS Plugin Link : click here Sas.planet high resolution satellite data: click here

Worldclass Teachers

  Worldclass Teachers Mr. Sakti Mandal Assistant Professor (Geography),Sripat Singh College, Murshidabad Expert  in Cartography, Urdanization Software Skills:  ArcGIS, QGIS, M.s office M.r Nityananda Mondal GIS Engineer, Durgapur Steel Plant, Durgapur, West Bengal Expert  in Remote sensing and GIS application on Geoinformatics for disaster management, Cadastral Map, Drone Mapping, GIS Survey , Statistics and Modelling Software Skills:   ArcGIS Desktop ,  QGIS,  ERDAS Imagine,  Envi 5.3,  SNAP,    AutoCAD 2d,  Global Mapper 22.0,  Agisoft (drone data process),  Google Earth pro,  R-programming,  Google Earth Engine,  C++,  TerrSet,  WebGIS,  MicroStaion,  Mission  Planner (To fly the Drone)   , Geometica ,  etc... Mr. Rajib Sk GIS Engineer, Kolkata Expert  in Remote sensing and GIS application Software Skills:   ArcGIS Desktop,  Google Earth pro QGIS, R-programming ERDAS Imagine ,MS Office, Global Mapper, Excel SAS Planet,  Auto Cad  .  Ms. Priya Mondal BIM Modeller, Berkein architect K